Wednesday, November 24, 2021

There are THREE repeater guides #ARRL #hamradio

 ... and they are all wrong.

Why?  Because repeater trustees and users don't update ... any ... of them.

They are ArtsciPub also known as RFsearchRFinder, and RepeaterBook.

ArtsciPub has been around for years.  They print a paper issue.  It's outdated the minute the ink is dry.  Why?  BECAUSE REPEATER TRUSTEES AND USERS DON'T UPDATE their listings.

RFINDER has its users because they sell radios.  The Android and IOS apps are available.   This services offers a "Search Along Route" capability using point to point.  The information is exportable in a number of products.  Like ArtsciPub, the information currently available is outdated for the same reason mentioned above.  Users that register are required to pay a fee.  This is an American Radio Relay League supported effort.  As the publisher notes, RFINDER provides the information to ARRL.  IF it's wrong (and it will be), users are to report the correct information to RFINDER (but they don't).

RepeaterBook also has a travel mode.  It allows for searching by highway.  While this is good, a zip code to zip code search may be more advantageous to users.  As with RFINDER, the data can be flawed because trustees and users don't update the information.  Some trustees don't want their repeater used by travelers.  Those can choose to hide their listing or not public access tones or codes. Because their are Android and IOS apps, RepeaterBook does not print a paper document because it won't be accurate after the ink dries.  Unlike RFINDER, there is no charge for registering.  RepeaterBook has a new feature of allowing Hotspot users to update their listings.  After a year, with no changes,  the listing is deleted.  RepeaterBook also allows export of data in a variety of manners.

The author received a "complaint" from a number of trustees and users who felt RFINDER was being privileged by the ARRL, an endorsement, if you will.  The issue came up during a division official election.  Nothing came of the comment.  

Are you seeing a pattern yet?  Why put all the work into three guides that don't have accurate data because you won't keep your information current?  How hard is it to log on and review your information?  There are plenty of users who would love it, if you would.

The hobby is only as good as the helpers.  Help the helpers.

Mr. Oklahoma Will Rogers

Kansas Election Information #ARRL #hamradio

The election results are in!

Ron Cowan, KB0DTI won the Section Election with 260 votes.

Please join me in congratulating him on this election. Also, for ALL the Kansas section hams, please support him as his team guides Ham Radio forward.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

When society invades amateur radio #HamRadio #ARRL #ElectionDay

It's interesting times in which we live.  

With tweets about #ElectionDay, newspaper, radio, yard signs, folks continue to miss the time to vote.

As a result, 12% of the registered voters in one Kansas community voted on the Day.  

It's discouraging.  Democracy is better than that.

It's encouraging, in that, the Kansas Section Election is still counting votes.  If elected, the encouragement may be when folks complain, maybe the complainers can make a mental note of their vote (not HOW they voted but DID they vote).

It's hard to get good help.  One race had ONE vote determine the outcome of the election.

SO!  VOTE!  If you don't vote, please don't complain.  If you've not voted in the Kansas Section ARRL election, you are running out of time to mail your ballot to Newington.



Help wanted in #hamradio

The moderation teams of the and newsgroups on Usenet are seeking additional qualified
people to serve as moderators.
Desired qualifications include:
- Internet access, including Usenet, web, and e-mail.
- Ability to follow the moderated newsgroups and check e-mail at least
once daily (vacations and leaves of absence accommodated).
- A sincere interest in radio.
- Support of moderated newsgroups in principle.
- A non-anonymous identity, including a real last name or callsign, and
a routable e-mail address.
- A verifiable record of good conduct on the newsgroups going back at
least 6 months.
- Willingness to be a "team player" who follows moderation team
If you are interested in becoming a moderator, or have additional
questions about moderating, please don't hesitate to email 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Time to Vote folks #ARRL #hamradio

If you are an ARRL member, time is running out for you to get your ballot back to Newington.

If you did not receive a ballot, you need to contact Headquarters.

Don't do what one Kansas community did Election Day. Only 12% of the registered voters cast a ballot.

Democracy works best when people vote.


Lloyd Colston, KC5FM
Hamshack Hotline 50052

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

When @Facebook fails #ARRL #hamradio

Where were you when you could not post your update on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp?

Did you see the Chief Technology Officer at Facebook tweeted that Facebook was down?

Ham Radio stayed the course but he could not mention anything about Facebook one amateur radio because Part 97.113 does not allow.

Just remember, when all else fails ...


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