Wednesday, August 23, 2023

#ARRL voting

Are you excited about voting?  Are you excited about the way the League or any other group you join is heading?

It's a simple answer for you to VOTE.  YOU get to select the decision makers.  

The Pages of QST are FULL of elections where the "winner" was determined by  appointment or because only one candidate filled the slot.

In the second issue, the ONLY want to actually have an election is for candidates to actually RUN.

With that, the electorate needs to be better informed of the issues or they will replace the board with members who are not. 

Don't forget to run.  Don't forget to vote.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


In a recent meeting with the ARRL, there was an active discussion about weather, alerting, and public information.

Friends, if you are NOT a member of the Hurricane Watch Net, the VoipWX Net, or your local Skywarn program, you are a member of the Public.  That means these nets serve you in two ways:

1.  They alert you that there are storms getting ready (or Fixin To as they say in the South) rearrange your life.
2.  Give you an opportunity to an avenue to hear your call for help or the information the Hurricane Center uses to issue accurate forecasts and, more importantly, to the public.

Either way, the opportunity is there.  

If you can converse in any of the languages below, feel free to reach out to a serving group to volunteer your time.  High Frequency, Voice Over IP, or a combination of the two, it does not matter.  Your willingness matters right ahead of your ability.

Your talent is also needed on the Sunflower Net.  This resource is often tied to the VOIP net with Dstar, DMR, Allstar, Fusion, Hamshack Hotline, P25, and M17 to give additional opportunities to send reports and receive life saving information.

If a ham on a cruise ship can call in on Hamshack Hotline, so can you.

Please remember:



Here is an open letter to amateur radio operators from WX4NHC.  IF you are bilingual, please help the HWN or the VOIPWX net with your talent:

WX4NHC Hurricane Season Letter to Amateur Radio Stations in Hurricane Affected Areas Hello Fellow Ham Radio Operators, 

In cooperation with the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, and WX4NHC, we are asking for your assistance during the Hurricane Season. The most important role amateur radio plays in hurricanes is to gather and relay information to the National Hurricane Center’s Amateur Radio Station WX4NHC. While there are mechanisms to do this, we are always looking for more assistance in this vital job. You could be the only station in the impacted area and your Eye Witness Reports or measured data, if you have a weather station, could be critical to the forecasters. You could be the only station hearing some other ham calling with a report or needing assistance in a dangerous situation they are in. Also, you could play the important role in translating a Ham's report into a language that we understand. So as you can see, everyone has a part they can play. WX4NHC on 14.325 MHz is a frequency that you should always monitor during a hurricane. More information can be found at This frequency is maintained for hurricanes by the Hurricane Watch Net The VoIP Hurricane Net utilizes Echolink and IRLP to link stations together over the internet. When HF propagation is not good, sometimes this is the only way information reaches WX4NHC. EchoLink Conference Room is WX-Talk (Node 7203) and IRLP Node is 9219. More information can be found at We ask you for your support and assistance anytime the Hurricane Watch Net, VoIP Hurricane Net, and WX4NHC are active. The part you may play may save someone's life! - - - - - - - - - 

Hola Estimado Colegas, En cooperación con el Centro Nacional del Huracán en Miami, Florida, y la estación WX4NHC, estamos pidiendo su ayuda para la temporada del huracán que comienza 1ero de Junio. La función de radio aficionados más importante durante huracanes es transmitir información meteorológica y condiciones locales al la estación de Radio Aficionado en el Centro Nacional del Huracán WX4NHC. Mientras que hay mecanismos científicos por satélites y aviones para hacer esto de lejos, estamos buscando siempre más ayuda en este trabajo vital. Usted podría ser la única estación en el área afectada y sus informes del testigo del ojo o datos medidos, si usted tiene una estación meteorológica, podría ser crítico a los Meteorológicos de Huracanes. Usted podría ser la única estación que escucha una estación que llama con informes o que necesita ayuda en una situación peligrosa. AMATEUR RADIO STATION AT THE NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER Volunteer Public Service at NHC since 1980 Our Mission – to help save lives También, usted podría ayudar en traducir el informe de una estación en una lengua que entendemos. Como usted puede ver, cada uno tiene una parte que pueden hacer. WX4NHC en 14.325 MHz es una frecuencia que usted debe escuchar siempre durante un huracán. Más información se puede encontrar en Esta frecuencia es mantenida para los huracanes por la red “Hurricane Watch Net” durante un huracán. La red del Huracán de VoIP utiliza Echolink e IRLP para conectar estaciones juntas sobre el Internet. Cuando la propagación del HF no es buena, ésta es a veces la única manera que la información alcanza WX4NHC. La sala de conferencias de EchoLink es “WX-TALK” (nodo 7203) y el nodo de IRLP es 9219. Más información se puede encontrar en Le pedimos su ayuda para la red del “Hurricane Watch net”, la red del Huracán de VoIP, y WX4NHC cuando estamos activos durante huracanes. ¡La parte que usted puede hacer, puede salvar una vida! - - - - - - - 

Bonjour collègues radioamateurs, Avec la cooperation du Centre National d’Ouragans a Miami, Florida, et celle du WX4NHC, nous vous prions de votre assistance pendant la saison d’ouragans. Le role le plus important que la radio amateur joue pendant un ouragan est celui de ramasser et retransmettre information au Centre National d’Ouragans a travers le WX4NHC. Bien qu’il y ait deja plusieurs mecanismes en marche pour le faire, nous sommes toujours a la recherche de plus d’assistance pour ce travail vital. Votre station peut etre la seule dedans le secteur d’impact, et pourtant, vote reportage de temoignage ou de donnees pourrait etre essentiel pour les pronostiqueurs, sourtout si vous avez une station de meteo. Votre station peut etre aussi la seule qui ecoute l’appelle d’un autre amateur en danger qui a besoin d’assistance, ou qui a des renseignements importants. De plus, vous pouvez traduire pour nous des reportages en langues etrangeres. Alors, comme vous voyez, il y a des contributions importantes partout. Pendant un ouragan, vous devez toujours ecouter la frequence de WX4NHC au 14.325MHZ. Pour obtenir plus d’information, allez aux pages web du Hurricane Watch Net :;; ou Voip Hurricane Net . Le filet d'ouragan “Hurricane Net” de VoIP utilise Echolink et IRLP pour lier des stations ensemble au-dessus de l'Internet. Quand la propagation d'à haute fréquence n'est pas bonne, parfois c'est la seule manière que l'information atteint WX4NHC. La salle de conférence d'EchoLink est “WX-TALK” (le noeud 7203) et le noeud d'IRLP est 9219. Plus d'information peut être trouvée à Enfin, nous demandons votre assistance et votre appui chaque fois que le Hurricane Watch net, le Voip Hurricane Net, et lle WX4NHC se rendent actifs. Vous pourriez peut-etre sauvez une vie! 

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

#AuxComm USA Announcement #hamradio

We have finally reached the point of taking memberships dues. 1 year dues are $30 or $3 per month for 12 months. As a member, you will receive a certificate of membership in the mail after background checks are completed, you will also receive a digital membership card with a QR code containing your verified qualifications. Memberships will also qualify you to engage with us during net activations for emergencies and disasters. It will also allow us to keep track of your volunteer hours which may qualify you for various types of awards. You will also get other information that we are allowed to share from other government organizations such as FEMA, CISA, FBI, and etc…


All communicators will always be welcome to join with us on our weekly nets.

What are we looking for?
Regional Emergency Communications Volunteer Coordinators (RECVC)
State Emergency Communications Volunteer Coordinators (SECVC)
Area Emergency Communications Volunteer Coordinators (AECVC)
Volunteer Emergency Communicators (VECOMM)

Join with us today!!! Click HERE to complete the application

Click HERE to pay membership dues. $30 per year, or $3 per month for 12 months of automatic payments.

Interest in any or all, please reach out to Billy, WX0NET at AUXCOMMUSA


Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Some people try very hard #ARRL #hamradio

It was a pleasant surprise to get a call from an American Radio Relay League officer about the Section Manager election.

Someone is upset that about a PO Box in Oklahoma and a Five Area Callsign.  

Please note the ARRL has verified my address, which is not far from my Automatic Packet Response System icon location. is the URL the League used to verify my address  Your Division Director has the information.  The ARRL had a redacted copy of my voter ID card.   

One does not keep Federal, State, and Local credentials by doing unethical stuff.  

Y’all that think this is a campaign issue need to match callsigns to Sections.  That information is in every issue of QST.  Please let me know how your research works. 

The Five area call is MY FCC issued callsign, assigned when I upgraded to Advanced Class almost 50 years ago.  Personally, the choice of the sequentially issued call could not have been better.  Y'all that don't trust your government any more than you trust the ARRL will understand why I am not going to change to ZERO land.

Finally, the same issue came up during the Division election.  Since the League knows where they mail my QST and the FCC knows where the digipeater is located, maybe you need to trust that I reside in Kansas.  If you don't believe them, read the last line of the campaign material.  One does not serve on community boards and commissions while living outside the jurisdiction.

Please read the first line of the biography

Can we get along with the election now?  So far, one of the clubs in the section had both candidates on their zoom call.  One had me on a call and asked a ton of questions.  

It's time to VOTE and thank you to the League for, again, verifying that I indeed live in Kansas.


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