Wednesday, August 14, 2019

It's NOT real radio #hamradio #ARRL

At a recent club meeting, the discussion of ALLSTAR produced a discussion of "not real radio".  Add that to the mix on Echolink, IRLP, Dstar, DMR, WiresX (Yaesu Fusion), and others that use the internet backbone to support long haul communication.

Granted that the connection to the internet is "required".  That connection can come and go based on ice storms, hurricanes, and solar flares.  However, the technology is robust, normally, and your electric radio depends on the electric power grid to work.  That is mitigated by using solar, wind, or mobile power (except the Coronal Mass Ejection will take your power grid and radio down to nothing).

So, it's not real radio but please, try to get on the air using one without verification you have a license.

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