Wednesday, November 25, 2020

To Zoom or Not to Zoom, THAT is the question. #ARRL #hamradio

Several ham radio clubs use some sort of virtual meeting hall, like Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, both paid and free versions.

Thanks to the Kansas Quarter Century Wireless Association, the group tested some other platforms, i.e. Google Meet, Jitsi, and UberConference as well as Skype and Teams.

Google Meet works over IOS, Android, and Web Browser.  Cost?  Free.  It supports text chat, video, and audio.  

Jitsi also works on Android, IOS, and Web.  Cost?  Free.  It supports text, video, and audio.

UberConference, part of DialPad,  also supports Android, IOS, and web with a dialin number with international numbers and Personal Identity Number, ie. PIN.  Cost?  Free.  

The Midwest Division, ARRL, bought a Zoom account for clubs to use in the division.  According to leadership, it's been quite popular with a waiting list for use. Contact Division Leadership, if you want to use the Zoom account.  These other five platforms will give local clubs the opportunity to have meetings without a lot of cost.

COVID is not likely to end soon.  States and Counties have issued meeting restrictions and travel is discouraged.  Even after the pandemic, clubs may want to revisit club meetings, etc. so that shutins and travelers can participate.

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