Wednesday, June 23, 2021

#FieldDay and Digital Voice #hamradio #ARRL

So,  if the rules are right,  satellite contacts are allowed for Field Day.  Terrestrial repeaters and VOIP modes are not.  

How right is that?  Field Day is a supposed test of the ability to communicate with stations around the planet.  While HF is important, when you train like you fight, you use the modes you normally use.  

For example, the VOIP Skywarn Net fights every hurricane season on Allstar, Echolink, IRLP, Dstar, Fusion, APRS, Winlink, and a host of other modes.  Do they provide reports to the National Hurricane Center station at WX4NHC?  You bet they do.  

Yet, they are excluded, should they choose to participate because of the modes they use in their work.

It's time for the League to revisit the field day rules and allow, at least, a token collective of points for a contact made on VOIP, ex. 100 points for any mode.  How about points for a local repeater?  Make it your Get On The Air station.  

It would clearly be a way for the League to show they are ALL inclusive of ALL amateur radio operators.

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