Wednesday, November 16, 2022

CQ Santa net starting #hamradio #teamJesus

Annually, the crew on 3916 kHz connect Santa Claus to children across the Nation and World through the power of amateur radio.

Using a radio in the basement, in the car, on the SDR or remote base, hams huddle around their gear to connect to the Net Control so their children and grandchildren can experience the connection to the North Pole.
It is a magic time.  The requests are typical, ex. toys and other items of pleasure.
Some are not so typical.  Some ask for their families to be reunited.  Some ask for more basic comfort items such as clothes and food.  
The net really brings the meaning of Christmas to life to people of all faiths.  Protestant and Catholic join with Hebrew, Islam, and others to recognize that Peace is possible.
Such is the message in the move Silent Night.  Based on a true story set in the World War II Battle of the Bulge, the story line shows a woman of faith naming a truce between combatants who share the comfort of her home while sharing in a Christmas meal.
The Santa Net starts the Friday after Thanksgiving and concludes on Christmas Eve.  Join in.  Look for the magic.  You will find it.
  Welcome to The Santa Net - 3.916 Ham Radio -


1 comment:

KC5FM said...

For those NOT on HF, there are some offerings over Voice Over Internet Protocol:

Santa on the Air on Northern Colorado Repeaters and Echolink | QRZ Forums #Christmas #teamJesus

Do Drop Inn has N1S this year.

Annual Santa Net on Kansas City Wide #hamradio #Christmas #Santa @OfficialSanta @NoradSanta

Does your group have a connected net for children? Does your group take a radio to a hospital so a child can talk to Santa?

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