Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Just when you thought it was safe #hamradio #NatlPrep

 You are driving down the turnpike listening to your favorite radio station and THIS happens.

WAY back when, that would be disastrous.  One radio station served the entire region.  

Today, there are travelers listening to all manner of AM, FM, Sirius XM programs that originate all over the Planet.

So where do you tune, next, and hope the thieves or a Carrington Event have not zapped that one.

So, what is a ham to do?

1.  If you SEE something, Say something.  Someone, somewhere saw the event unfolding or not long afterwards.  The State Homeland Security office is aware. Obviously, local law enforcement is aware.

2.  Is your local repeater monitored for all hazards frequently?  If someone were to call RIGHT THIS MINUTE, who would answer.  Advance the question 12 hours.  Who will answer then?

3.  Have THREE ways to get emergency alerts, regardless of the AM, FM, or satellite station you are tuned to listen.  THEN have battery backups on the devices to which you listen.

4.  Tell your neighbor.  Have a way for them to reach you during a disaster.  They are your neighbor, right?  They are a member of the public, right?  You are all about serving the public, right?

Just as the public has a choice of who they will hear, they too might not be listening to your station.  YOUR job is to make it easy for them to find you and listen, before, during, and after a disaster.

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