Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Have at least three ways #hamradio #Skywarn #NatlPrep #RedCross @ARRL

When some folks started in emergency management, there were two ways to get warnings in the community.  One of those was the SIREN, if someone pushed the button and it was working.

Later, SIX ways were identified without even mentioning the SIREN.  

Now, there 10 ways to get warnings.  The photo lists 10.  The photo does not mention ham radio and it should.

Travelers need to have three ways to get warnings.  Ham Radio is a nice fit in that area.  Many local clubs and emergency management agencies include Skywarn programs, including repeaters that automatically alert with the National Weather Service issues a warning.

Now, as a reminder, if you have your three ways on your ONE cellphone, that's OK, until your cellphone is lost, stolen, or broken.  

The American Red Cross has a nice Alexa Skill called "Hurricane Alerts".  Once enabled, the skill allows one to receive alerts from a number of locations in the United States and territories.  It's free.  

Check with the American Radio Relay League for a radio club near you.  Once located, ask the club official for help with the Question "Does the club have a repeater that automatically sends an alarm for weather".  Also, ask if there is a license class.  

There's a Mission Possible statement Mr. Phelps.  Go forth and survive the next disaster.

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