Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Why Vice-Director? #ARRL #hamradio

You've seen the post by now that announced the Midwest Division candidacy for Vice Director.  You've probably asked yourself, "Why did he do that?"

Believe me, so have I.

The conclusions are:

1.  Second fiddle ... I've always worked best as the Number Two.  The Division Director, by rights, will set the mission for the Division.  My job, therefore, will be simple.  Number Two helps Number One achieve goals.  As a section manager and emergency manager, I have learned the value of having a good team.  In Red Cross, Humanity Road, ARES, RACES, SHARES, Skywarn, I have learned how to be a team player.

2. With 2020 being what it is, 2021 has to be better.  The League has a new Chief Executive Officer.  The League has to have a new vision.  I am sure I will have an idea or two about how to make YOUR ARRL membership one that you value.  

3.  Already the League is having pressure put upon her by calling for the $50 license fee to be subsidized in part or in full by League dollars.  The League loses memberships when dues are increased.  This is one solution that deserves a look, but, local clubs should help there members overcome their financial hardships.

4.  The League has a NEW CEO.  He plans to run the organization like a business.  With experience on the Oklahoma Home Based Business Association, as well as a business owner and manager, I know how business works.  I can bring some ideas to the table.

5.  With experience in government, I can bring experience to the table in how to interface with State, Local, and Federal partners.  Those interactions have brought dollars to ham radio operators getting new repeaters, a seat in an emergency operations center, etc.

The bottom line is "I work for YOU", the League Member.  If you are NOT a member, you can't vote for me.  JOIN.  If you are a member, leave your comments here.  I will read each one.  

Ballots come out October 1.  By all means, VOTE. 

1 comment:

GotToBTru said...

First of all, kudos to you for your willingness to serve. Obviously service is not a new thing for you.

As far as comments about what you should do if elected:

I regard with amusement all the yelling about the license fee. $50 every ten years. Man, I knew hams were cheap (I am!) but wow. ARRL should resist this as a means of filtering out the un-dedicated. Local clubs can and should help out those for whom this would be an actual hardship, even non-members.

The primary utility of membership for myself is resources. I refer people on a regular basis to the website. I read each issue of QST cover to cover. The Handbook and Antenna book have given value well beyond their cost. Keep those going.

Otherwise, continue your 1st Peter 4:10ing, and God bless you and your family.

Howard Parks AE0Z

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