The Storm Prediction Center has a tornado watch in your area. Your local weather service office has broadcast a tornado warning.
The radar went down 15 minutes ago.
What does one do?
With only a very few exceptions, the radar on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone is provided by your tax dollars.
Skywarn folks know the answer
In Oklahoma, Skywarn offers training to everyone so everyone know what's fake and what's not as well as how to report to whom the observation.
There are tools like MPING to help.see who is reporting what.
So, the storm has passed. Your weather radio went off while it was in the area. The radar will come back in six hours. In the mean time, what did you do? What were you supposed to do?
Skywarn folks know the answer. Find your local emergency manager and ask him or her how to be involved in Skywarn. Your life may depend on your being aware, especially when technology fails.