Wednesday, October 11, 2023

OpenSpot 4 for #hamradio

Not long ago, the author purchased an OpenSpot 4 from SharkRF.

Through no fault of the manufacturer, the device was damaged.

The thought process was (1) turn it into the ARRL insurance or (2)  see just how good the company supports their product.

As it turns out, Shark RF stands behind their product pretty well.  After mailing off the device and waiting a surprisingly short amount of time, the device was shipped fixed to the author.

But WAIT, there's more.

The Author was on deployment.  "Can you ship the item to my field address?"

Certainly can and they did.

Cost?  The ARRL insurance deductible is $50.  The repair cost, minus shipping, was just under $50.  While shipping drove that cost over the insurance amount, the Author had some control over that cost.

That's not a bad thing from "The World in Your Pocket" producers.

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