If the answer is no, then look them up ... now ... and save them in your phone
Welcome to the Blog. After Jesus and my family, amateur radio is important to me. In fact, it was a missionary ham that pointed me to Jesus. I hope you will enjoy this collection of amateur radio musings. Hope you find Jesus sprinkled around too. Views are not reflective of my employer.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
What if there was an outage like this?
If the answer is no, then look them up ... now ... and save them in your phone
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Which is better #Twister or #Twisters? #Skywarn #WRN
The Short answer is neither.
You have read and now it is repeated.
While certainly is entertaining, Twisters adds yet another encouragement for chasers to bust stop signs, drive in excess of speed, drive recklessly, follow too close, and a host of other traffic infractions.
For educational value, 13 Minutes gives you all that and parking under overpasses, ignoring official warnings, and the drama the real life adds to the everyday storm day.
Why is 13 Minutes named that? Because the average warning time in the USA for a tornado is ... 13 minutes. That is, of course, if chasers don't take video of themselves talking about the tornado, rather than failing to report it to the National Weather Service.
13 Minutes has emergency managers, NWS, media folks all talking to one another. They coordinated the warnings. They were obviously a team, rather than competitors.
Twisters had an opportunity to do that, yet did not. Would the professionals at Stillwater Emergency Management have failed to visit with the rodeo organizers? When the wireless emergency alert was activated, the crowd in the stands were without direction.
13 Minutes had a motel housekeeping staff translating tornado action cards for the non-English speaking guests (That's good Hollywood but the National Weather Service provides material in languages other than English). How many statements were ignored or misunderstood in that movie (How many weather statements do you ignore or misunderstand on any given day)?
The Movie was a remake of the original Twisters. In that line, another round of chasers acting dangerously will be unleashed. After all, movie fans will ignore that famous statement "Don't try this at home."
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
If you can find a BETTER National Organization ... #ARRL #hamradio
Let us apply this to amateur radio for a moment.
Lets apply this to the American Radio Relay League.
Can you find a better "National Association for Amateur Radio"?
Does this other organization offer insurance for its members, representation before the Federal Communications Commission, an office in Washington, DC, friendly staff at Newington who answer phone calls and emails?
You have found a better National organization?
Do TELL! What organization is it?
If not, then join the League.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
When will Brandmeister be added to Sunflower? #hamradio
From the Lookout Mountain Amateur Rado Club page, one can read:
We were notified by Brandmeister admins that new rules state (sic) “We don’t allow any bridges to other dmr networks now”.
As a result of that, TGIF is the only DMR network supported on Sunflower Net.
Anyone connected their station to Sunflower Net with Brandmeister connected do so on their own initiative.
The Sunflower Net has always had the focus of finding ways so we CAN talk, rather than making rules to prohibit communication.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Hamshack Hotline is a very nice way use Auxcommusa.org and SunflowerNet.us
At the Hamshack Hotline wiki, it is stated that:
"We no longer permit new softphone registrations on the HH (Hamshack Hotline) primary network servers (HHUS / HHEU / HHAP) without an active hard phone first."
That's all they read thinking there won't be a test at the end.
Further down the document, one will find that:
If you are looking to be on Hamshack Hotline with just a softphone only, you are allowed to do that on the experimental server (HHUX) without having a hard phone.
Please click the link, download the software, request an HHUX extension.
Then, after setup and testing, join the effort on the Auxcommusa.org and SunflowerNet.us systems.
Chasers! Please be safe. #Skywarn #WRN #OKwx #KSwx
First, setting the record straight, this is NOT ANTI-CHASER. It IS pro-safety.
The GOAL is a reduction in the loss of life and property. While the numbers have trended down over the decades, there's never been a year where a storm doesn't injure or kill someone somewhere.
The Wichita Eagle reports:
As storm chasing grows in popularity, so do the problems
At any rate, for #Skywarn ACES is Awareness, Communication, Escape Routes, Safe Zones. https://t.co/pkKFwPtydk is the training site. #wrn @WRNAmbassadors @Kia pic.twitter.com/2hcZ2mdCfl
— kc5fm February 26, 2019
The current average lead-time for tornado warnings is 13 minutes.
![]() |
Your Official Oklahoma Highway Patrol Tornado Chaser Chase Vehicle |
Y'all know I love when you send weather pics, but PLEASE don't take them while driving. I don't share pics that were clearly taken while driving; I would encourage other Mets to do the same. The likes/shares you may get are NOT worth risking the safety of everyone on the road. pic.twitter.com/GIwEvbtFnq— Hannah Strong (@WxStrong) June 1, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Don't say the band is not open without checking #hamradio #ARRL @tentennet
Ten Meters is one of my favorite bands. Even when it's not "open", it's frequently open. With the sunspots on the rise, so should the activity on the band increase.
Have you found http://ten-ten.org/daily_nets.html yet? Nets listed there will help determine if the band is open. If you look at http://www.qsl.net/steelcity/nets/whichnet.html, one will see a search box that lets you know which nets are in operation.
http://www.dxwatch.com/dxsd1.php?f=92 or http://hamspots.net/10/ will also give you DX Cluster spots, just for 10 meters.
At http://www.vhfdx.info/spots/warnings.php, one can get email alerts when six meters is open. If SIX is open, it's almost a given that TEN is open.

There's a number of 10 meter software defined radios that one can use to see where's the band is open. Two are dedicated to the "Beacon Band".
http://userpages.troycable.net/~wj5o/bcn.htm is a list of beacons on Ten. Tune here to see where the band is open, even when it's not.
Wednesday, May 08, 2024
If you issue a WARNING, you should issue an ALL CLEAR when the situation is over. If you open the door, close it.
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
Have more than one way to get warnings #Skywarn #WRN #hamradio
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Have at least three ways #hamradio #Skywarn #NatlPrep #RedCross @ARRL
When some folks started in emergency management, there were two ways to get warnings in the community. One of those was the SIREN, if someone pushed the button and it was working.
Later, SIX ways were identified without even mentioning the SIREN.
Now, there 10 ways to get warnings. The photo lists 10. The photo does not mention ham radio and it should.
Travelers need to have three ways to get warnings. Ham Radio is a nice fit in that area. Many local clubs and emergency management agencies include Skywarn programs, including repeaters that automatically alert with the National Weather Service issues a warning.
Now, as a reminder, if you have your three ways on your ONE cellphone, that's OK, until your cellphone is lost, stolen, or broken.
The American Red Cross has a nice Alexa Skill called "Hurricane Alerts". Once enabled, the skill allows one to receive alerts from a number of locations in the United States and territories. It's free.
Check with the American Radio Relay League for a radio club near you. Once located, ask the club official for help with the Question "Does the club have a repeater that automatically sends an alarm for weather". Also, ask if there is a license class.
There's a Mission Possible statement Mr. Phelps. Go forth and survive the next disaster.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
So you really did not know? #ARRL #hamradio
One of the comments heard regarding a number of issues is "They don't tell me anything" or "How am I supposed to know these things?
The American Radio Relay League members have the ability to subscribe to a number of newsletters sent by email.
After logging into your membership page, changes can be made to the items that are of interest to you. Check to get reminded about your license expiration.
Choices include:
Southgate News
ARRL Amateur Radio News
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- Amateur Radio News on Wireless
- Amateur Radio on Wikipedia
- American Radio Relay League
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- Bible Gateway
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