Altus --- "People in Jackson County are thirsty for rain barrels," said Lloyd Colston, Emergency Manager for the City, after the partnership with Coca-Cola to give away 100 rain barrels to Jackson County residents.
The 100 free barrels that were available were distributed in a very short time.
"Obviously, had there been 250 more barrels, the volunteers could have moved them," said Wayne Cain, Jackson County Emergency Management director.
People have been asking where to buy barrels, said Colston. As well as recommending local stores such as Atwoods and Fox Lumber, two online vendors are:
* The Rain Barrel Depot (404) 829-2647
* UpCycle Products (815) 735-9583
"There may be future availability for another Coca-Cola barrel project," said Colston, "but I encourage people who NEED a rain barrel to obtain one from the vendor of their choice."
Thanks to Elizabeth Gray, Altus City Administrator, who developed the idea of obtaining rain barrels, as well as the Coca-Cola Company for providing the RainRecycle Kits with their free barrels.
For more information about emergency management, please call Cain at (580) 482-0229 or Colston at (580) 481-2260 or visit on the Internet.

Coca-Cola and local emergency management volunteers distributed 100 rain barrels to residents of Jackson County Tuesday. (Emergency Management photo)
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