Getting ready for the next big event? How do you use APRS for messaging?
At the, folks grab screen shots of the latest hurricane landfall, before landfall.
Screen Shot from the Florida Panhandle prior to Michael. |
After landfall, the image is compared to the current location. It helps Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency determine "how big is big and how bad is bad". This is the ham radio version of Craig Fugate's "
Waffle House Index". KK4INZ is Craig's callsign. He was the administrator of FEMA.
That's the little dots on the map, though, and APRS is so much more.
Messaging is important. Imagine that you are a dot on that map and the local repeaters are down. "Who you gonna call?"
APRS messaging gives one a way to get a message, even a small one, away using land-based and satellite digipeaters. Bob Bruninga,
WB4APRS, defines this at
APRS Messaging. That resource has so many ways to message over APRS, you are clearly expected to like one.
SMS-GTE is one that is quite useful. Imagine being out the field with no cell service and needing to send a message, straight from your APRS mobile radio. It's two-way also. The person you send the message can reply to your message.
VE3OTB works hard making this real for you.
What is the local weather where you are?
WXBOT comes to help. Send
full to WXBOT for a full forecast for your local area while
current recalls the current conditions. Thanks to
KI4WJP for this handy resource.
Find some time to drop an email to KC5FM-9 and remember APRS messages are
publicly facing.