Wednesday, January 23, 2019

100 Watts and a Wire @100WattsAndAWire

Christian, K0STH has a podcast.  Check it out.  He talks about #hamradio ... a lot.

He also has a Gathering.  Check it out.

Join the 100 Watts and a Wire #Gathering on #hamradio 

It appears 2564 is a number. It was on 7.295 AM Christmas Day @100WANDAWIRE 


What is your favorite amateur radio media?  ARRL?  Amateur Radio Newsline?  HamTalkLive?  

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

All #hamradio Dinner set for January 17 #ARRL

All Ham Dinner - January 17

Many years ago, the amateur radio clubs in the Oklahoma City area started an event that is now known as the “All Ham Dinner”. This dinner allows about 50 hams get together, eat, and communicate with each other. This dinner is held on the third Thursday of January, May, and September at 6:30 pm.

The next All Ham Dinner will be held Thursday, January 17th, 2019, at 6:30 pm. This dinner will be at the Golden Corral, 1501 SW 74th, (North side of the north service road of I-240) in south Oklahoma City. No RSVP is needed, show up, get your meal, and join the fun in their large banquet room.


Wednesday, January 09, 2019

How many is too much? #hamradio #ARRL #SMEM

"Cleaning up too many redundant ham radio groups" Kenneth KD4IIW wrote on Facebook recently.

It's one thing to have a Facebook Group or Page like the Wichita Amateur Radio Club does.  However, a quick check of resources on Facebook shows a bunch of buy and sell, groups for various radios, a 2m Simplex page and a 146.52 Group with even one for 144.2 SSB.

There's a Ham Radio and Ham Radio 2.0 group with approximately the same number of members.  

Even on MeWe, there are two groups with similar names.

Unless the Hobby looses focus, perhaps folks could consider Kenneth's challenge before setting up a new group or page.  The message will be even more lost when, using the example of AOL, there's a reflector set up and abandoned to spam.

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Twitter Feed additions

Added some RSS feeds to Twitter recently.

What is your Favorite RSS feed for #hamradio?

Add to comments below.  Lets talk about the best hobby on the Planet.

I don't do @Twitter @Facebook etc.

When Twitter was new, there were hams saying "I'm not going to follow YOU".

Some 4K followers later, they are.

Ham radio is a diverse hobby.  That's why some people still use AM, CW, Dstar, Allstar and many other modes.  That's why some use Twitter, MeWee, Facebook, and a host of other social media platforms.

The ARRL uses social media.  Your Government uses social media.

Tell them you won't follow them.  The answer may sound like "OK.  Don't be informed then."

#Skywarn folks know not to rely on only sirens for the warning process to work.  

Find some way you are comfortable and find some way you need to be informed about what is important to you.

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