Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Look at your personal security #ARRL #hamradio

If you are an FCC licensed ham radio operator, your address is a matter of public record.  If you use Automatic Packet Reporting System, your location is widely known.

Obviously, not everyone has someone wanting to do them harm, ex. an ex who wants the kids, a coworker who does not like your competition at work, 

Post office boxes don't know up on the map.  There are hams that have boxes for that very reason.  

APRS is another story.  There, one can "fuzzy" the location.  In other words, set your location a few miles away.  The only reason someone needs to know where you are is on missions, ex. a tracker on a bike rally.

Drop a message to kc5fm-9 and remember messages are open source.  One can see your message over the web.  Don't be putting phone numbers in them.  

Be aware of your personal security.  There are people who want to do your harm.

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