Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Some people try very hard #ARRL #hamradio

It was a pleasant surprise to get a call from an American Radio Relay League officer about the Section Manager election.

Someone is upset that about a PO Box in Oklahoma and a Five Area Callsign.  

Please note the ARRL has verified my address, which is not far from my Automatic Packet Response System icon location. is the URL the League used to verify my address  Your Division Director has the information.  The ARRL had a redacted copy of my voter ID card.   

One does not keep Federal, State, and Local credentials by doing unethical stuff.  

Y’all that think this is a campaign issue need to match callsigns to Sections.  That information is in every issue of QST.  Please let me know how your research works. 

The Five area call is MY FCC issued callsign, assigned when I upgraded to Advanced Class almost 50 years ago.  Personally, the choice of the sequentially issued call could not have been better.  Y'all that don't trust your government any more than you trust the ARRL will understand why I am not going to change to ZERO land.

Finally, the same issue came up during the Division election.  Since the League knows where they mail my QST and the FCC knows where the digipeater is located, maybe you need to trust that I reside in Kansas.  If you don't believe them, read the last line of the campaign material.  One does not serve on community boards and commissions while living outside the jurisdiction.

Please read the first line of the biography

Can we get along with the election now?  So far, one of the clubs in the section had both candidates on their zoom call.  One had me on a call and asked a ton of questions.  

It's time to VOTE and thank you to the League for, again, verifying that I indeed live in Kansas.


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