Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The League represents its members. #hamradio gets the benefit. #ARRL

 Lee Iacocca said, more than once, "If you can find a better car, buy it."

Lets apply this to amateur radio for a moment.

Lets apply this to the American Radio Relay League.

Can you find a better "National Association for Amateur Radio"?

Does this other organization offer insurance for its members, representation before the Federal Communications Commission, an office in Washington, DC, friendly staff at Newington who answer phone calls and emails?

You have found a better National organization?

Do TELL!  What organization is it?

If not, then join the League.

1 comment:

KC5FM said...

By now, the reality of this post should be apparent. The League represents the membership ALL hams get the benefit, without cost, before Congress, the FCC, the world community at the IARU.

Yet, the majority of ham radio operators in the USA are not League members. Hams in other countries see the value of League membership. Please join. Please.

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